Running a pipeline - Tutorial

Before beginning this tutorial make sure you have the TallyTrin installed correctly, please see here (see Installation) for installation instructions.

As a tutorial example of how to run a TallyTrin workflow we will run the count pipeline.

This workflow is for generating a count matrix for downstream differential expression analysis using nanopore reads. The pipeline takes an input fastq file, processes it, and outputs a count matrix with samples as columns and rows as either transcripts or genes. The pipeline makes use of multiple Python libraries and tools like Minimap2, Samtools, UMI-tools, and mclumi.

Tutorial start

1. First download the tutorial data:

mkdir count
cd count

2. Next we will generate a configuration yml file so the pipeline output can be modified:

conda activate tallytrin

# To show all available pipelines:
tallytrin -h

# Generate config
tallytrin count config

3. Modify the config if required:

At this stage you would normally modify the config, but in this case the defaults should be fine in this case:

# Config file for

## general options

# Copyright statement
copyright: cribbslab (2021)

cdna_fasta: Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.cdna.all.fa

genome_fasta: hg38.fa

junc_bed: hg38_geneset_all.bed

gtf: hg38_geneset_all.gtf

# Specify if the pipeline should run umi correction or not
correct: 1

# Specify if the pipeline should run with a trimer UMI on the tso
tso_present: 1

# Specify if a split prefix of index is needed for running minimap2 if the index is large
minimap2_splitprefix: 0

# Threshold to remove UMI errors
error_removal: 1

# mclumi options


  editdistance: 9

  memory: 100G

job_options: -t 48:00:00

4. Next we will run the pipleine:

tallytrin count make full -v5 --no-cluster

This --no-cluster will run the pipeline locally if you do not have access to a cluster. Alternatively if you have a cluster remove the --no-cluster option and the pipleine will distribute your jobs accross the cluster.